Swatpro Net Zero Statement of Intent
South West Association of Training Providers Limited (Swatpro) is intending to commit to the Government’s 2050 Net Zero emissions, for emissions scopes 1, 2 and 3. This commitment will be discussed and agreed during the next Board Meeting on 12th June 2024.
The Board will discuss that within 12 months of the date of this meeting, we will be in a better position to understand our greenhouse gas emissions pertaining to emissions scopes 1, 2 and 3. This will enable us to draw up an action plan to target specific areas on our journey to reach Net Zero, with the following aims:
- A 10% reduction of CO2e year-on-year starting in April 2025.
- The creation of a staff working group by August 2024, which will report to the Board. This group will focus on areas for reduction in CO2e emissions and improved working practices, across the three emissions scopes.
- The identification of a Senior Lead, by July 2024, who will be responsible for the strategy in reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the organisation.
- A review of our estate and suppliers used by December 2025.