South West Association of Training Providers Ltd (Swatpro) is committed to practices that protect Young People and Vulnerable Adults from abuse, exploitation, bullying, neglect and self-harm.
Swatpro will ensure the board of directors, senior leaders, staff and delivery partners recognise and accept their responsibility to develop the awareness of the risks and issues involved in safeguarding and are clear on how to identify and report any incidents.
Swatpro will commit to working with local safeguarding organisations, such as the local authorities, the Police, Health, Education Skills Funding Agency as well as the police, and other community & referral groups to support the safeguarding of all learners.
The policy will be reinforced with the Safeguarding support guide, which will detail information on referral agencies, reporting procedures to follow, signs for recognising abused or at-risk learners and incident forms.
Swatpro will ensure its staff and partners who deliver the services to learners have trained safeguarding personnel and a safeguarding champion within their organisation.
Swatpro will appoint a designated safeguarding lead to work with the partners safeguarding designated lead and champion/s to ensure the monitoring and management of incidents or concerns are completed in the correct manor and are communicated to the appropriate safeguarding agencies. We will monitor the impact of each concern and include any lessons learned within our self-assessment process.
The Swatpro board will take overall responsibility for safeguarding and will support the Swatpro lead in reviewing policy, process and monitoring of safeguarding.
Safeguarding will be reported at each team, senior leadership team and board meeting.
Swatpro will monitor partners records to ensure they have adequate safeguarding training; awareness and the safeguarding lead and champions are qualified to the required level.
Swatpro will require that every partner has a designated safeguarding lead and champion. These persons will be communicated with and met with regularly from the Swatpro safeguarding lead.
Swatpro will also ask its partners to:
• review their own processes and procedures against best practice guides and assess risk to ensure their process works effectively and responds efficiently in recording incidents
• follow the guidelines set out by the agencies such as ESFA and Ofsted
• undertake training on safeguarding in order to raise awareness of keep informed of up to date legislation and issues.
• maintain a Single Central Record (SCR) of all staff qualifications, safeguarding training and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks Swatpro will enforce its requirement that all Designated Safeguarding Lead and deputies are to retrain every 2 years and everyone else every 3 years as a minimum. This will be monitored & tracked as part of Swatpro’s single central register.
Swatpro will apply its responsibility to ensure its partners are delivering in and offering a safe recruitment and delivery practice. Therefore, all staff that frequently work with Young People and or Vulnerable Adults will be checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Swatpro will confirm through annual due diligence and in-year reviews that partner staff have been DBS checked and using the SCR details when the DBS needs to be updated. On-going monitoring of DBS checks will take place throughout the year to ensure partner staff details are kept up to date. It is a contractual requirement to respond to these requests for information.
Swatpro will enforce its requirement that DBS checks are completed every 3 years, and this will be monitored & tracked as part of Swatpro’s single central register.
These procedures will be reviewed annually, aligned with other policy reviews and the Self-Assessment Review (SAR) and when new law and/or government guidance is issued. The review of the policy and procedures sits with the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Swatpro will report all Safeguarding activities & issues directly to the board of directors.
A safeguarding group, made up of Swatpro and its partner designated safeguarding lead and champions, will meet a minimum of six monthly to review activities, referrals, and support arrangements.
Swatpro Lead Designated Officer
Name: Kathleen Harrison-Ford
Tel no: 01392 437659
Swatpro Deputy Designated Officer
Name: Jenny Scott
Tel no: 01392 437659
Swatpro Nominated Director
Name: Rod Davis
Tel no: 01392 437659
Dated: 17th November 2020
Rodney Davis - Chief Executive Swatpro
South West Association of Training Providers Ltd (Swatpro) will commit to practices that protect and prevent from radicalisation and extremism in response to the PREVENT Duty requirements.
Swatpro will ensure the board of directors, senior leaders, staff and partners recognise and accept their responsibility to develop the awareness of the risks and issues involved in the PREVENT duty and ensure they are clear on how to identify and report any incidents.
Swatpro will commit to working with the Channel Team, PREVENT coordinators, the Police and Education Skills Funding Agency to ensure the safeguarding of all learners.
The policy will be reinforced with the PREVENT guidance on the Channel process and incident forms.
Swatpro will ensure its staff and partners who deliver the services to learners have trained PREVENT personnel and a PREVENT champion within their organisation.
Swatpro will ensure it has appointed a designated safeguarding lead, who is also the PREVENT lead for the company, to work with the partners safeguarding person or team to ensure the monitoring and management of PREVENT Channel referrals and incidents are completed in the correct manor and are communicated to the Regional PREVENT team .
Swatpro will take the responsibility to ensure all staff, partners and learners are supported in PREVENT, through appropriate training, awareness sessions, teaching & learning materials and resource development.
The Swatpro board will take overall responsibility for PREVENT and will support the Swatpro lead in completing risk assessments and training materials for staff. The PREVENT leads will meet regularly to discuss PREVENT developments, matters arising and learner referrals to the Channel programme.
Swatpro will undertake risk assessments to identify where and how learners or staff may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism.
Safeguarding and PREVENT will be reported at each board meeting.
Swatpro will monitor partners records to ensure they have adequate PREVENT training and awareness and are qualified to the required level. As part of annual partner due diligence Swatpro will require that every partner has a PREVENT lead. These persons will be communicated and met with regularly from the Swatpro safeguarding & PREVENT lead.
Swatpro will also require its partners to:
• review their own processes and procedures against best practice guides and assess risk to ensure their process works effectively and responds efficiently in recording incidents
• complete risk assessments for PREVENT requirements on all centres and on employers’ premises
• follow the guidelines set out by the agencies such as ESFA and Ofsted
• undertake annual training on PREVENT in order to raise awareness and keep informed of up to date legislation and issues
• maintain an accurate and current Single Central Record (SCR) of all staff qualifications, safeguarding training and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks
• ensure all staff have completed PREVENT awareness sessions and Channel programme module as a minimum.
Swatpro will enforce its requirement that all staff are PREVENT and Channel trained annually, and this will be monitored & tracked as part of Swatpro’s single central register.
Swatpro’s PREVENT and Channel procedures will be checked annually to ensure processes and procedures are up to date in line with changes to requirements.
Swatpro will report all PREVENT activities & issues directly to the board of directors. The Swatpro board will work closely with Swatpro in monitoring & addressing issues.
A safeguarding group, made up of Swatpro and its partner safeguarding and PREVENT champions, will meet a minimum of six monthly to review activities, referrals, and support arrangements.
Swatpro Lead Designated Officer
Name: Kathleen Harrison-Ford
Tel no: 01392 437659
Swatpro Deputy Designated Officer
Name: Jenny Scott
Tel no: 01392 437659
Swatpro Nominated Director
Name: Rod Davis
Tel no: 01392 437659
Dated: 17th November 2020
Rodney Davis - Chief Executive Swatpro