Our Information, Advice & Guidance Policy
Policy Aims
The purpose of this policy is to support the delivery of high-quality Information, Advice and Guidance. Our aim is to provide appropriate and impartial information, advice and guidance to potential candidates, current learners, employers and internal and external stakeholders. It aims to enable individuals to make well informed and realistic decisions about training and development needs. Our service is consistent with the agreed Swatpro approach to educational support and guidance.
The South West Association of Training Providers believes that all learners are entitled to:
- Opportunities to discuss their individual learning and career needs throughout the learning process.
- Enhanced opportunities for discussion at points of transition such as recruitment, enrolment, induction, throughout training and at the end of the course.
- Access to information, advice and guidance that upholds the National Information, Advice & Guidance Board's "Principles of Coherent Delivery" and meets Matrix standards.
- Confidential referrals for specialist information, advice, and guidance where appropriate.
- Access to opportunities for progression.
The service we offer promotes clear, coherent, and consistent delivery in Information, Advice and Guidance Services. This policy sits alongside our Learning Agreements, Data Protection, Safeguarding (including Prevent Duty), and Equality and Diversity policies as integral components for delivery of Swatpro’s Mission, Vision, and Values. The policy applies to any IAG delivered by Swatpro in any location, whether online or face to face.
The policy applies to IAG offered to prospective candidates, learners, employers and internal and external stakeholders whether on an individual or group basis. IAG is provided throughout the different stages of the learner journey.
Data conveyed via contact through face-to-face, online, individual, or group interaction, which is verbalised, written or printed, through different media including booklets, digital platforms, websites, etc.
This involves:
- Helping individuals to understand and interpret information
- Providing information and answers to questions
- Understanding the individual’s circumstances and abilities
- Advising potential clients, learners, employers and partners on their options or how to go about a given course of action
- Identifying needs and signposting or referring learners who may need more in-depth guidance and support.
Aims to support individuals to:
- Better understand themselves and their needs
- Confront barriers to understanding, learning and progression
- Resolve issues and conflicts
- Develop new perspectives and solutions to problems and be able to better manage their lives and achieve their potential.
Policy Objectives
We will work to provide high quality Information, advice and guidance. We will endeavour to make our IAG provision:
- Easily accessible, timely, visible and well defined in an understandable format.
- Provide current and accurate careers education information advice and guidance to encourage people to think about their options and aspirations.
- Is delivered by employees who have sufficient training and knowledge.
- Provide accessible links to a range of specialist, supportive agencies.
- Ensure the equality of opportunity to quality reviewed IAG, delivered to meet needs.
- Ensure IAG meets the diverse needs of candidates, learners and their employers.
- Provide impartial, confidential and needs focussed IAG.
Referral Policy
Staff offering IAG services will ensure that when referring an individual to another learning provider or agency, this is appropriate and conforms to the principles and polices of data protection, equality, and diversity, safeguarding and confidentiality.
Referral will normally happen when another learning provider or agency offers information or services that are better suited to the customer’s needs. Where it is identified that a customer would benefit from a referral to another organisation, they will be clearly informed.
Quality Assurance & Evaluation
The provision of IAG services is quality assured via the collection and analysis of participant feedback, and analysis of key performance data in respect of learner retention achievement and progression. These are part of the self-assessment process and quality improvement plan.
Swatpro’s Quality Manager is responsible for monitoring delivery, including the observation of the IAG service, and identifying areas for continuous improvement.
The outcomes will be subject to discussion at Senior Management Meetings and Swatpro Operations and Board meetings.
The Learner Journey and Related IAG Service
Recruitment |
Initial Assessment |
Induction |
Assessment and Review & Teaching and Learning |
Achievement and Progression |