Creative Industries Production Technician
To prepare, build, set up, and operate functioning systems for creative productions.
Overview of the role
Production technicians work in three main roles; as creative venue technicians, live event technicians or screen lighting technicians. The roles can be venue based or they can be mobile; working across a variety of sites and environments. Technicians may work across both indoor and outdoor locations. Creative venue technicians play an active role in the technical setup and operation of a variety of established creative venues such as theatres, arts centres, broadcast and film studios. Live event technicians provide technical solutions for live performance and event projects of all sizes across the UK, Europe, and worldwide. The events range from concerts, festivals and theatrical performances through to exhibitions, conferences, product launches, and showcases.
Details of the Standard
The apprenticeship is broken up into distinct phases:
- The sign-up, which includes an assessment of maths and English, and an agreement between us, the apprentice and the employer, regarding the training plan.
- The practical period, which is the bulk of the apprenticeship. This is where the apprentice completes their required off-job-training according to the agreed training plan.
- The gateway. At the end of the practical period, the employer, training provider and apprentice meet to discuss the next, and final stage, the End Point Assessment (EPA). At the Gateway meeting, we ensure that the apprentice is ready to undertake the EPA.
- The End Point Assessment (EPA) is the last stage of the apprenticeship. The apprentice will undertake a series of independent assessments, including a professional discussion and a practical test. Successfully completing this step results in achieving the apprenticeship!
This apprenticeship is based on an 24-month practical period, although this may be amended based on prior experience and recognised qualifications. The minimum duration is 12-months.
Entry Requirements
Entry requirements are largely dependent on the vacancy notice set out by the employer - please read the job advert that relates to the role you are considering.
English and maths
Apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to completion of their Apprenticeship.
Curriculum, delivery and readiness for End-Point-Assessment
The content delivery will be agreed between the apprentice, employer and training provider and is based upon prior knowledge and qualifications. This agreement forms the individualised Training Plan, detailing how the knowledge, skills and behaviours in the apprenticeship Standard will be met.
As a gateway requirement, apprentices without Level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the end-point assessment.
Summary End-Point-Assessment
The EPA should be completed within three months. It consists of a practical assessment with questions (up to 10 questions, set over a three hour period), and professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence (compiled before the EPA) that demonstrates that the apprentice has met the knowlege, skills and behaviours required (lasting 90 minutes). It is a requirement for the learner to be able to demonstrate in all end point assessment methods, that they have achieved the required knowledge and skills, and have also been able to put this into practice.
Following completion of this apprenticeship, there would be a period of consolidation before progression on to a leadership and management apprenticeship, or gaining more industrial experience.